Quality west highland terrier puppies Phoenix AZ
- Price : $1
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 9 Times
1 girl already reserved! We have an outstanding litter of 7 Westie puppies (4 girls snd 3 boys). Mum is our family pet who has an excellent pedigree and is KC registered with many champions in her bloodline. Dad is a extremely high quality stud dog (KC registered) which we have used previously and has produced gorgeous healthy puppies with no skin conditions. We kept a puppy from the last litter! The inbreeding coefficient for these puppies is a outstanding 1.6% compared to the breed average of 5.6%. We have taken extreme care to produce quality puppies. These puppies will make wonderful family pets! Our puppies are being raised in our family home with their mother and older sister along with our older male border terrier and a rabbit! They also live with our 2 children so will be used to being handled daily. They will leave us at 8 weeks - around 10th June with 5 weeks pet insurance, 1st vaccinations and microchipped. They will have been regularly wormed. The puppies will not be KC registered.Due to the current covid situation we will be inviting perspective owners to meet us and our dog family over video chat. A $300 deposit will secure the puppy of your choice. In the first instance please email giving details of the home you could offer. E-mail : wedwarmarketplace@gmail.com WhatsApp: +1612-200-2451
This classified ad about Quality west highland terrier puppies related to dogs for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 9 visitors.