Cats Baby Kittens For Sale! Scottish Fold
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We have cats both males and females, in different colors, already fixed and shots up to date. They're FREE to approved homes. ID and contract required .
Address on flyer
Beautiful sphynx kittens, 12 weeks old and ready to leave, the boy is black and the girl is cream, both very loving personalities, constantly purring and playing, love cuddles :) the mum, is a gorgeous torti with green eyes, kittens have been brought up having the...
Dogs, cats and baby for American Girl sized dolls
Dogs - $3 each
Large cat $5 (this is from American Girl)
Baby $4
This is a rare old tour drumstick I only have the 1 get it while you can.
Cash only, and if you want, see the other stuff I'm selling. Thanks
I've posted individual listings for both of these cats but if you'd like they are available to adopt together.
They're very fond of one another and we'd hate to see them get separated.
Midna is a 3 year old Black medium hair cat with a curious personality. She...