Born August 30th.
2 litters born on the same day. They are 4 months old right now. Looking for forever homes for them.
Moms and dad on site.
I dont know if people really raise Pot Bellys to eat, but I DO NOT want that for them. I want them to be a pet to...
$30 each or $160 all
They will lay eggs soon.
Ramp for car or bed. In good shape. Folds for easy transport. $40 call or text show contact info
Tiny Teacup Chihuahua Puppies For Sale Kids Need These Puppies For X- Mass $ 500 . contact via email for more details and pics of the puppies
8 weeks old 1st set of shots and dewormed regularly will be pocket standard size Dad is 19 inches tall 95 pounds Mom is 16 inches tall 60 pounds both have great temperaments and on site $750 to pet homes without papers or $1200 with their U.S.B.R (United States Bully...
The Hamilton Collection, A World of Puppy Adventures series.
1 - The Waters Fine, #2003A, protective carton and certificate of authenticity
2 - Swimming Lessons, #0971A, protective carton and certificate of authenticity
The Hamilton Collection, Sporting Generation...