Arizona Classifieds


  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 495 Times


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●     How do I use this card?

○     Present the card to a participating pharmacist when filling your prescription and you will receive the lowest price available. You can print it or download the card to your phone.


●     How much can I save?

○     A: Members can save up to 20% on many brand medications and up to 75% on many generic medications.

○     Eligibility

●     Who can use this card?

○     A: Anyone and everyone can benefit from using the AffordableMeds card.

●     Are there any age restrictions?

○     A: There are no age restrictions. Everyone can benefit from using the AffordableMeds card.

●     I already have insurance that covers my prescription medication. How can the AffordableMeds card benefit me?

○     A: The AffordableMeds card can be used to obtain savings on prescription drugs that are excluded by your current plan or are not included because you have exceeded your plan's maximum limits. In some instances, you may find the AffordableMeds prices are lower than your plan's out-of-pocket amount/co-payment.

Medications And Pricing

●     What medications are included in this plan?

○     A: All approved brand and generic prescription drugs are included.

Participating Pharmacies

●     Do I need to fill out any claims or paperwork when using the AffordableMeds card?

○     A: No claim forms or paperwork are required. Discounts are instant, automatic, and processed electronically.

●     What pharmacies will accept this card?

A: Over 63,000 pharmacies nationwide accept the AffordableMeds card, including most chain pharmacies.


 AffordableMeds discount prescription drug plan is not insurance.

Website :


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Address: 9801 Apollo Dr #7741 Largo, MD 20792

This classified ad about FREE RX DISCOUNT CARD WITH UNLIMITED USES related to health insurance was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 495 visitors.

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