Roadmaster CWC 26" Vintage Antique RARE Bicycle - 1930s? 1940s? Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 31 Times
Roadmaster CWC 26" Vintage Antique RARE Bicycle - 1930s? 1940s? Pre-war? I am not sure of the exact age of this bicycle. It looks like the bicycle was last registered 48 years ago in Duluth, MN. It has been in a climate controled environment since. The previous owner believes the bicycle is at least 80+ years old. The tires are able to be inflated, but do have a slow leak (to be expected for a bicycle of this vintage).
This classified ad about Roadmaster CWC 26" Vintage Antique RARE Bicycle - 1930s? 1940s? related to bicycle for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 31 visitors.