we eliminate termites, ants, bed bugs, roaches, spiders, rats, mosquitoes
� Centipede & Silverfish Control
� Bee & Wasp Control
� Preventative Sealing
� Green Extermination Services
� Pest Inspection Services
� Emergency Pest Control...
About 7-8 feet tall in a Whiskey Barrel. Already producing beans.
Large galvanized cage with a wooden stand, 4x2x2. It isn't the type of cage that has a tray. It's in self stor storage off queen so we can meet there. $50 or trade for chicken pellets or crumbles or pigeon grain.
For sale Remington target-thrower in original box plus 134 western white flyer # 305 yellow clay pigeons. There was a full box of 135 but I had to try throwing one. These came out of my father's barn and have been there since the 60's
Bird Dog Owners, We got Quail & Pigeons and teacher if desired.
We can get you and your dog on the right path.
Call for appointment. Always by appointment .
ALSO: 700 Yard Range; Clay Pigeon shooting; Fishing;
Guided and self guided quail hunting, year...