Volkswagen Trike Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 7 Times
I communicate through the craigslist email service only, and am inclined not to answer inquiries that ignore this fact. No phone calls, no texts. This is a professionally built custom trike. Built using heavy wall 4130 steel tubing, it was constructed by a motorcycle sidecar builder here in the PNW for his own use touring the United States in retirement. He passed away before that happened, and a certified air-cooled VW mechanic who built a custom low horsepower engine for it acquired it. He, also aging out, sold it to me a few years ago. I planned to tour with it also, and began an electrical system upgrade from the basic motorcycle system to a more automotive type system. I, too, have had to give up my plans due to a medical problem, so the upgrade is kind of in place but not finished. It is one of a kind and very well built. Dual fuel tanks for touring. No engine. I also have two completely rebuilt engines listed elsewhere -- One is a stock late model 1600cc, the other is the custom 1200cc dual carb engine built for this trike. I will sell either one for $2500. I communicate through the craigslist email service only, and am inclined not to answer inquiries that ignore this fact. No phone calls, no texts.
This classified ad about Volkswagen Trike related to motorcycles for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 7 visitors.