AKC Yorkie Puppies (1 male, 1 female) with traditional Black/Brown/Tan colors, 7 weeks old, should be 5-5.5lbs when fully grown up at 2 years old, with ducked tail and dewclaws, 1st vaccination & deworming along with medical records and pre-registered paperwork, dad...
Wonderful dogs and puppies need to be adopted urgently. Shelters are full and if dogs and puppies don't get adopted they will be killed.
please go to Shelters in your area and adopt a homeless dog or puppy
search for your local shelter...
Male and female Pomeranian puppies for pet lovers. They are 12 weeks old, vet checked,
dewormed and have all vet records up to date. Our puppies are well trained and very socialized.
Puppies come with registration papers and a health guarantee.TEXT (201) 688-0570
9-year old male Eastern German Shepherd. Has all shots and papers. He is a pure bread stud. He’s fathered several of my dogs pups.
I get flagged on the regular pet posts because it's free. If I pay 5.00, in petservices, you can see the dogs that need homes! So many Husky's
https://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pas/d/tustin-so-many-huskys-in-high-kill/ show contact info
These fleece throws/blankets are light weight and measure 50" x 60". These would be great for your pets.
Mainstays - Puppy - there are 2 at $5.00 each
Holiday Time - Holiday Dogs - there are 2 at $5.00 each