are you searching for a gorgeous maltipoo puppies, We have 2 adorable English lab/lab puppies for new homes. a male and a female. They are 12 weeks old and are ready for their new homes. They are very loving and playful. They are
great with other dogs and cats. We...
bought new at petco but never opened, paid $50 still in sealed container. 7-8 months protection
Boston Terrier puppies
1 boy 3 girls 100% purebred. They will come Vet checked first shot and dewormed they will be ready on thanksgiving week my phone number is show contact info
Australian shepherd puppies looking for their forever home. Born on August 12, puppies have first set of shots and microchip. First 2 pictures is girl and the last 2 boy. Please feel free to reach out for additional information as well as rehoming fee.
Precious tea-cup Yorkie pups for free. They are 12 weeks old, very playful, outgoing, and extremely cute!!! They are AKC registered, and up to date on all vaccines and worming. They will come with a health guarantee. Both parents are on site. The father is a teacup...
6 English bull terrier pups. 2 white bitch, 2 brindle boys/girl, 1 white boy with brown eye patch, 1 black and white boy. aKc registered, 5 generation pedigree. 5 weeks free insurance. All stunning healty litter, will be microchiped and have first injections. They...