Teacup Yorkie puppies ready for their new homes
Text :(551) 888 -3483, Email @ (kimdarrel0@gmail.com)
We have male and female Teacup Yorkie puppies ready for their new homes who are very playful and loves to give kisses.They are registered, potty, paper and...
Eight weeks old purebred puppies we have 4 males and 4 females. Family raised with parents of puppies.
Like new 275 gallon food grade tote. $50.00 each. Turn it into animal shelter, feeder, chicken coop. Fire wood holder, Maple syrup sap collector. Koi pond
Lots of uses, food grade, be creative! $50.00 each
2 dogs needing a loving home. We have twins coming, just don't think it will work keeping them.
1 male, blk/white pit/boxer mix, very sweet, 18 months, 40ish lbs. Fixed, shots current.
1 fem, unknown breed/age, very sweet as well. 40ish lbs, also. Unknown if...
Pembroke Welsh Corgis will be about 15-20 pounds full grown. AKC registered ()
Rehoming 2 super sweet and loving Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies. A black female with cute brown spot over her eye and on legs. A brown and black male Pembroke Welsh Corgi pup. Both are...
I volunteer for the Camano Animal Shelter and our small, wonderful no-kill shelter currently has 18 adorable cats and 8 lovable dogs who are all waiting for their forever homes! If you're looking for a precious furry friend to love and who will love you back, please...