Beautifull 3 month old female all vacations are done rehoming fee applies. Full blooded great pedigree. Very energetic loves to play
YOrkie puppies. 10 week Old. small rehoming fee. up tO date on shots and deworming.
CaLL Or TeXt: (510) 2 4 8 4 5 six-0
Looking for a dog that is great with the family and will protect the whole family...
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Well & Good Prostyle Hydrating Spray For Dogs. Hydrating spray for dogs and cats 6.1 fl oz Pro style hydrating spray for dogs and cats quenches thirsty coats with the power of organic aloe vera this revitalizing spray provides an on-the-go hydration and an instant...
3 Great Dog Beds
* Large dark brown 3' x 3' ---$20
Rugged heavy, vinyl, leatherette, cover with zipper to easily remove
Cotton zipper bag of bean bag filler underneath cover.
Excellent condition. Very comfortable for all dog sizes.
Tough outer cover...
This is a rare opportunity to be able to find a purebred AKC puppy of the Lhasa Apso breed.
Also rare, is that we have the parents available on site to meet. The temperament of parents is gentle,loving, playful (especially with fetching balls). We have 4 girls,...