3 beautiful Brown, Black & Tan Males $300 & 1 Brown female $350 Cheagle puppies.
He is 8 weeks old.
He have his 1st set of vaccines.
Not neutered.
Crate/Cage train.
Potty training with doggie door.
Gets along with other dogs and is very playful.
Both parents are on...
Stainless steal dog box with storage on top. Great shape.
Just ordered this and put it on my dog once. Works well, but because of her vestibular issues, the added weight on her body made her circle even more. It’s a non-returnable product. This is an extra small, so you would need to make sure that the measurements work for...
I have brand new Halloween decorations and 2 costumes . look at photos
For /man- black and purple color costume is brand new, size S, up to 5'.10'' tall. $18
other is for boy, great condition, like brand new. size L, up to 5'6'' tall. $5
The decorations free...
6mo old English bulldog for sale all shots up to date serious inquiries only. Cash only. Text for pick up location
Selling Watch Dogs 2 for Xbox One - Pretty good condition.