Mom is pomeranian
Dad is Yorkie Russell
A boy and a girl
Looking for best offer
Interested please get back to us with your EMAIL ADDRESS and CELL NUMBER for faster communication.
We have a Beautiful puppies available for sale .Mother is AKC reg and is a loving family pet .akc name sky baby
Father is aKc reg that carries the blue gene.akc name Our black jack
They have been raised in the family home with children and household noises.
2 dogs needing a loving home. We have twins coming, just don't think it will work keeping them.
1 male, blk/white pit/boxer mix, very sweet, 18 months, 40ish lbs. Fixed, shots current.
1 fem, unknown breed/age, very sweet as well. 40ish lbs, also. Unknown if...
Rehoming these 11 week old German shepherd Rottweiler mix puppies. Shots and dewormed
Chocolate pied male and black female chocolate carrier 10 weeks old . Looking for a forever home akc register they have there shots and been dewormed willing to negotiate. please feel free to contact me with any questions show contact info
. willing to sell as pet...