8 weeks old, 2 males, 1 female
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2 males and 1 female. Fluffy carrier Frenchie puppies! Full AKC. They are 1 month old. Ready to go to their furever home by December 4th.
Males are at $3,500 and the Female is $4k.
IG: BleuBredBullyz
Due to so much scam calls and emails recently asking for address, please do not call nor email, but only text me to show contact info
Material: Resin
Dimensions: 23" H x 17: W x 13"D
Pump is not included
Boston Terrier puppies will be ready to go 11 November taken $50 deposit three males available for more pics. Are live video call 214 Three eight four 7364…
Two miniature schnauzer puppies (3 months old)
One salt and pepper male - playful but shy - $450
One party black female - shy, affectionate, and playful - $350
Dad is larger than average mini schnauzer at 25lbs. So these dogs will be around 20-25lbs when fully...
AKC Yorkie Puppies (1 male, 1 female) with traditional Black/Brown/Tan colors, 7 weeks old, should be 5-5.5lbs when fully grown up at 2 years old, with ducked tail and dewclaws, 1st vaccination & deworming along with medical records and pre-registered paperwork, dad...