Horse Boarding - Self Care - Trainers - Close to Home Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 134 Times
Self Care Horse Boarding. We have a very clean and safe facility for you and your horse. No mud when it rains or snows :) Good water drainage and we supply washed pea gravel for your stall/run area. We have an outdoor arena. There are trails from the barn so you can take a ride anytime. HERE's a DEAL: if you (and /or a friend) have multiple horses and would like to board the entire side of the barn (which includes 4 stalls / runs and 2 large tack rooms) For only $500.00/ month, that's only $125 a horse. Other wise, single-horse stalls/runs are $175 a month. Self care. With Self-Care, you supply your horse's feed/hay. You feed your horse. Hay storage is outside the barn, on pallets and covered with a tarp. **Stall/run are to be cleaned daily.** The facility will haul off the manure on a regular basis to help reduce flies. (usually every other week, or as needed) If you have your horse's hay ready in the morning - I can feed for you. Every horse will have shelter (stall attached to the barn) and a spacious run. Horses have access to the stall / run at all times and are not locked in. We have automatic waterers that are heated in the winter and easy to keep clean. No ice build up and ensures your horse has water at all times. The barn, barnyard, entry, stalls, tack rooms, etc all have lights. Tack rooms are private. Some stalls will need to share a larger tack room with one other person. Access to the facility, barn and tack rooms are 'key-less'. We have combo locks. There is a 'clean' bathroom at the barn. A place (outside) to wash your horse. SORRY, but there is no room for storing trailers. But there is a trailer storage business, not far up the road. We also have a bumper-pull 2-horse slant trailer we rent out. Showing of the barn is by appointment only. Please give me a call if you think this will work for you and your horse. Spitzer Farms, Sandy show contact info
This classified ad about Horse Boarding - Self Care - Trainers - Close to Home related to rooms for rent share was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 134 visitors.