Beautiful malamute/huskies mix!! They grew up in a family surrounded by children. They are ready to go to their new forever home. 8 weeks old. 3 males and 2 females. The parents are very intelligent and loving with people, very healthy. They learn many things easily.
2 little dogs for rehoming 50 bucks for 1 or 75 for both. We found them a few months ago running along in LA but we can no longer keep them. They are about 1 year old and both boys.
Precious tea-cup Yorkie pups for free. They are 12 weeks old, very playful, outgoing, and extremely cute!!! They are AKC registered, and up to date on all vaccines and worming. They will come with a health guarantee. Both parents are on site. The father is a teacup...
Many crates or kennel cages available for your dogs, cats, pigs, ferrets, or any pet.
$5-$10 each.
Call or text is best if interested: show contact info
Tiny t-cup pomeranian puppies for sale!
These unbelievably cute puppies are available to go to a loving home.Most of our puppies are hypoallergenic. All of our purebred pups come with registration. Our puppies are extra small, home raised, 90% potty trained and very...
3 teacup male yorkie puppies. Born 02/05/19. $1000