Three goats. All fixed and dehorned. Super sweet. 50.00 revoking fee per goat. Text show contact info
. Great at eating your blackberry bushes!
Available NOW Black Copper Maran female chicks. Guaranteed to be female, if a mistake is made by the hatchery we will replace the bird for you. This breed lays the DARKEST colored egg of all hens. We have a sample of the egg so you can see how dark they really are....
Nigerian Dwarf Billy Goat 6 months old
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100% High Quality Livestock Full Blood Boer Goats for sale 2017100% High Quality Livestock Full Blood Boer Goats for sale 2017100% High Quality Livestock Full Blood Boer Goats for sale 2017
Fence, temp rail, hand rails, parking, goat corral, horse coral, parking, You name it sky is limit. Nice paint. I have about 50 railings 10 ft some shorter. Also 50 or so big square feet for standing railing up. show contact info
we are your SETX Exotic Animal and Bird Sanctuary, we take in unwanted, neglected and abused Exotics giving them a forever home. If you can no longer care for your Exotic please consider placing them with a Sanctuary. We are here to help give your pet a forever home....