I have 2 beautiful Maltese puppy girls. They are friendly and playful. They are looking for their forever home. They have an outstanding pedigree with champions. I own both mum and dad, they can be seen together. They are vet checked with their first vaccination,...
Perfect Pure Breed Pomeranian Now Ready.
cute Pomeranian puppies for adoption. My Pomeranian puppies are ready to go, they are micro puppies good enough to carry around. These are vet checked puppies with excellent temperament....Please Contact via cute Pomeranian...
Signed litho 465/ 2000
Artist Herb STRASSER
Framed under glass
16 x 19 wide
Image was used for US postal stamp
Found these two off of Trinity Blvd in Euless, TX (I added a picture in case that might be helpful). They have collars but no tags, neither of them are microchripped.
They're really dirty and the white one has a scab on his chest, you can see in the picture, but...
*Open to reasonable offers* Absolutely adorable Jack Russell Puppies. Two females and Two Males available. Ready to go! All pups are up to date on vaccines and have been dewormed. Potty pad trained and crate trained. Extremely friendly and very playful. Would make...
Two Australian Cattle dog mixes looking for a good home. I would prefer that they stay together but I'm not opposed to separating them. They are both female, spayed, perfectly healthy. They are up to date on all shots. About 1 year and 8 months old. They are very...