I have a purebred registered nubian goat that will Kidd Spring 2019. She is bred to a purebred buck. She will be 1st time freshener. She has been tested for CAE CL and yoni is all negative November This is a great starter for someone for home dairy she is easy to...
His name is Jack and he is 8 months old. Great for breeding. He was a bottle baby and is use to both dogs and kids. He only wieghs 40lbs.
Downsizing- need gone
1.5 years old
A blue eyed pygmy goat doe. She is brown/black in color and has horns. She is approximately 5 years old and has thrown triplets as well as twins. This goat is gentle and a easy keeper.
We have standard size breeds Alpine, Nubian,Alpine,Fainting,Pygmy,Boer, Sable,and Toggenburg,Boer and,the Nigerian
Dwarf goats.These are healthy goats with good feet and are easy to handle.Each animal has it's own file with full
treatment record.They respect...