1947 ARM & HAMMER BOOKLET - Medical Uses of Baking Soda Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 123 Times
For sale is an original 1947 ARM & HAMMER BOOKLET entitled "A FRIEND INDEED" published by Church & Dwight Company. This 18-page booklet highlights the benefits and many medicinal uses of Arm & Hammer and Cow Brand Baking Soda. The book is in excellent condition and measures about 4.5 inches by 6 inches. The cover features an elderly woman sharing her wisdom with a young girl. To the company's credit, the booklet cautions that baking soda is "not a cure all" and its usefulness as a home remedy is limited to well defined ailments. Further, baking soda is "not a substitute for the physician". The booklet also advises that consuming 2 or 3 teaspoons of baking soda a day will take care of your over acidic urine. However, the book states that urine is normally acidic so whether you should alter your acidity should be left to the judgement of your physician. A great advertising collectible. Arm & Hammer is a registered trademark of Church and Dwight, an American manufacturer of household products. The logo of this brand is a muscular arm holding a hammer. Originally associated only with baking soda and washing soda, the company began to expand the brand to other types of products in the 1970s. The Arm & Hammer logo dates back to the 1860s. James A. Church ran a spice business known as Vulcan Spice Mills. According to the company, the Arm and Hammer logo represents Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and metalworking. To see my other listings, search the for sale section of Craigslist for: chris 22150
This classified ad about 1947 ARM & HAMMER BOOKLET - Medical Uses of Baking Soda related to medical was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 123 visitors.