Arizona Classifieds

Purebred nubian goat adga and free bonus (open doe) goat with purchase Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 45 Times


I have a purebred registered nubian goat that will Kidd Spring 2019. She is bred to a purebred buck. She will be 1st time freshener. She has been tested for CAE CL and yoni is all negative November This is a great starter for someone for home dairy she is easy to handle was bottle raised. I am only asking $300 for her and her mother is open is also offered with her. My time is very limited so please only serious inquiries with people ready to buy goats this weekend

This classified ad about Purebred nubian goat adga and free bonus (open doe) goat with purchase related to mini goat for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 45 visitors.

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