teacup puppies poodle puppies for sale
Mini Dachshund Puppies available for rehoming. I have 2 females and 2 males left. They will be 8 weeks and ready to go home December 6th. They will come with first shots, worming, Vet Certificate of health, and a goodie bag with Toys, food, puppy pads and other...
We have male and female teacup Poodle puppies available. They are both home and potty trained. These puppies are 12 weeks old, vet checked and have had all age appropriate shots. Each puppy will be joining it's new home with registration papers and medical...
Unfortunately we are having to re-home our dogs due to allergies that have become an issue with our youngest child. We have 1 female pitbull who is 1 1/2. She is amazing with kids and full of energy. She loves to play! We also have 1 Male boxer/lab mix who's just...
Vintage Chinese Ginger Jar with Foo Dogs
Blue and White
Height: 6 Inches
Width at widest point: 6 Inches
Opening Width: 3 3/4 Inches
Bought in China in 2005
A variety of Halloween Costumes for sale. All were worn once and are in like new condition, free from stains/rips or any damage. Priced to sell. No low-ballers please.
Full head scary mask....eyes light up $20
Jason costume (White plastic mask, ripped jeans (28w x...