They are both female and about 4 lb. They are both towel trained. The black lop was born on July 10th, she loves to run around and climb and sit on people. She does not like to be picked up and held but will sit on your shoulder. She's a climber
The chestnut dawrf...
Various cages for sale! Many good for a variety of small animals, like chinchillas, guinea pigs, rats, degus, prairie dogs, rabbits, ferrets, and even other animals!
Each picture has the cage number, and in the ad, if you scroll down to that cage number, there's...
I have a beautiful blue eyed, moon-spotted wether, looking for a loving home
Male and female ducks mixed breeds 1-2 years old. $15.
Bunnies $10.
I will not sell them as feeders for snake. Sorry.
Located in Pahrump. Pick up only no delivery. Call or text seven Otwo5twoNineThreethreethree5.
I have 2 female angora bunnies in need of a loving home. I'm hoping to keep them together. There is a rehoming fee of $40 each. If you adopt both I will go down on there fee.
My daughter and son have started raising rabbits to earn money for their college fund. We have three adorable Holland Lop baby bunnies for adoption. Holland Lops are the most docile rabbits you will ever meet. They love to cuddle and love their people. They are also...