Felimazole for Hyperthyroid Cats and Cat Litter Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 26 Times
Felimazole 5 mg x 80 tablets (opened 100 tab bottle) pink Felimazole 2.5 mg x 80 tablets (opened 100 tab bottle) orange Coated tablets, do not cause stomach upset as generic brand can. $20 for all 160 tablets Worlds Best Cat Littler 14 lb bag plus opened bag half full = 21 lbs Amazon price $15 for 14 lb bag, will sell 21 lbs for $10
This classified ad about Felimazole for Hyperthyroid Cats and Cat Litter related to cats for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 26 visitors.