A great comedy western series that ran from 1965-1967. The show follows the exploits of Texas Rangers: Chad Cooper (Peter Brown), Reese Bennett (Neville Brand), Joe Riley (William Smith) and Capt. Edward Parmalee (Philip Carey). What made "Laredo" unique in the...
Comes with remote. Great little TV for camper or RV.
Pick and choose as you like -- buy just one or two, or all of them! All are in good, excellent, like new or brand new condition and are originals with the original case and artwork. From a smoke-free, pet-free very clean home. $5 each. The titles are:
Black and wood TV stand, glass doors, good condition
Sanus Tv Mount
Open box never used
Need gone ASAP.
Where to Pick up ?
9643 Klingerman St.
South El Mount CA, 91733
Monday to Friday 9:30am to 6pm
Saturday to Sunday 10am to 6pm
Call or Text Phone : 626-4l3-O916
My name is: Tommy
Product Information:
Price $30
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