Iranian height flight good blood, flight over 3 hours minimum, all colors, young pigeons. Between $10 to $40. If you have any questions please give me a call.
Sean 206-229-91sixsix
Wild Pigeons for sale minimum order 300 pigeons will deliver for a delivery fee, I catch full time all year around orders fill up fast
Apple Leather Case - iPhone 7/8 Plus - Black
White Indian Fantails, Black Belgium High Flyers and others young and adult for sale, $20 each
In Winnetka, 91306
Pigeons, Pure White Adult Breeding Homers, $25 EACH. Call Paul, ate, won, zero, sicks, won, fore, ate, ate, won, zero
About 12 Holle Cropper pigeons for sale. Pick up, no shipping. Sold only as a group.