Philips DVD home theater system HTS6500 and TV Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 8 Times
1. Philips 37 inch LCD HDTV in good condition for $60 Please see the following link for the details about the TV's great Pixel Plus 2 HD and Ambilight 2 features 2. Philips DVD home theater system HTS6500 (Includes two sonoWave speakers and 1 Subwoofer and 1 dvd player. ) a. one DVD player ...... $40 b. two sonoWAVE speakers and 1 Subwoofer....... $40 c. one brand new Subwoofer ....... $20 Please see the following link for the details.
This classified ad about Philips DVD home theater system HTS6500 and TV related to tv dvd was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 8 visitors.