I have very good quality pigeons race pigeon Call show contact info
20 and up
Beautiful racing pigeon I have young ones never flown and breeder sale consist of bastin,houben,Jansen ,soontjens speed birds, Jan Arden ,white bandit I don’t race but some of these birds race and finish race up to 429 miles show contact info
price $25-50 don’t ask...
White Indian Fantails, Black Belgium High Flyers and others young and adult for sale, $20 each
In Winnetka, 91306
I'm rehoming the following fish
Dumbo Ear Guppy Breeding Trio $20
Assorted female guppies $2
Horsehead Catfish 4-5 in. $25
Clown loach 3-4 in. $15 (SOLD)
Wild Red Terror Cichlid 3.5-4 in.$15 (SOLD)
Pigeon Blood Discus 4-5 in.$80
Filipino Blue Smokey Angelfish...
3 pairs of Classic Modena Pigeons for sale. I'm keeping their young from this year so I'm letting them go. All unbanded from 2014.
They are the Classic type. This means that they are small in terms of body size between the size of rollers and homers. They are...