I have a mama rabbit and it's baby. The mama is a pedigree the baby is a half breed.
Hutch and Flemish mix male bunny. He is not fixed. About 3 1/2 to 4 yrs old. $100.00. Firm.
Rex - 1 black and white broken, one brown born Oct. 13 Ready now
Californian - 4 born Oct 27 Ready Dec 7
Silver Fox - 4 six weeks old
New Zealand - 7 five to six weeks old
3 large gray crosses - New Zealand, Flemish, Champagne? Ready now These guys will get 10-12...
After 20+ years in the business, I'm scaling back on my rabbitry and business. Consequently I am offering a some free Angora rabbits, as well as some for sale. I have various breeds available including English, French, and German-cross Angora rabbits. The free...
Wanted, someone with trained hunter labs for a little help. I have a nine month old lab pup that is a bit hard headed. He's all bird dog, but I can't trust him to come when I call him. He wants to play keep away with his duck decoy, and I don't want to keep training...