Boutique Tile Yard! Custom Materials Left Over From Luxury Jobs Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 150 Times
As a company that does design and construction for high end projects, we custom order and only the highest quality and beautiful materials for our jobs and upon completion, we end up with a lot of amazing materials. Often in large quantities. From marble or limestone floors, porcelain tile, glass and natural stone mosaics, stone veneer, to slabs and slab remnants...we have high end material at very low prices. With over 500,000 ft of different material in stock, there is something for everyone. Perfect for someone that is looking to get a unique look and save money at the same time. Pricing is a fraction of the original cost of material. Our material moves fast so every time you come, there is something new! Most material comes from casino projects, luxury commercial buildings, or Large Luxury Estates. Call to set up an appointment to see all the material. show contact info
This classified ad about Boutique Tile Yard! Custom Materials Left Over From Luxury Jobs related to construction jobs was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 150 visitors.