Antique wooden sheep herder's chair
It measures 26" tall by 19.5" wide by 12" deep
First $50 gets it!
I am trying to downsize.
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I do not reply to emails, you must call or text.
Our children are interested in raising poultry, rabbits and sheep or goats, with particular interest in breeding and raising several types of ducks, geese and turkeys.
We like having poultry around our small farm to provide something constructive for our children to...
I have several to choose from Boer / Nigerian dwarf / Pygmy / Nubian / Myotonic (fainting)/ crosses / Mini Donkeys males and females ranging from 1month - 2yrs closed herd and have been raised 100% on pasture/hay with only deworming, CD&T, and no other...
3 Katahdin/Dorper Hair Sheep -
1 year old ewe. never bred.
1 ram lamb
1 year old ewe (small)
Healthy, no vaccines.
LGD Pyrenees/Anatolian puppies. We have 7 male puppies 8 weeks old. Great as pets or livestock guardians. Come from working parents raised with sheep. Small rehoming fee. Call or text if interested
Merino Sheep!
1 Ram for sale: Purebred, Merino, Registered with NCWGA, comes from Show Lines with tested fiber. He produced 40 lb. of very high quality Wool in his first year of life. Proven breeder, who will improve the quality of your herd. I drove for 14 + hours...