1 pure / full breed 8weeks old (“Tea cup”)yorkie puppy Ready for her new home, 1female Available ❤️❤️
She has Excellent blood lines . Their Father Louis is pure breed traditional blue/gold , weight about 5lb
Mother, Maggie ,pure breed Golden color ,we got her from...
Rottweiler Puppy Dog Figurine sitting -8 1/2" tall x 14 1/2" long x 5 1/2" wide
2 males and 1 female. Fluffy carrier Frenchie puppies! Full AKC. They are 1 month old. Ready to go to their furever home by December 4th.
Males are at $3,500 and the Female is $4k.
IG: BleuBredBullyz
Openings available first week in January.Experienced pet sitter for many years.Offering personalized, loving protective care of your precious pet. We have a large & comfortable home for your pet to roam free.
( & no pets of our own.)Pricing is as follows: 25.00 per...
TK Pomskies has one Pomsky puppy left available. He is out of a 46 pound Siberian Husky and a 8 pound Pomeranian. He is a F1 and is excepted to weigh 15-25pounds when mature. He has mainly blue eyes but does have a brown chip in the top of one eye and the bottom of...
The owner refuses to pick them up because his apartment doesn't allow them. He doesn't have contact info for the new people he gave the dogs to in a parking lot ? Seriously ... ð¬ð.
This is since last Saturday. No home! Please help!!
Anyways, they are...