Billy Goat Honda 5.5hp yard vacuum
Pick up north wilm off I-95
If ad is up its still svailable
What's here is a Shoulder Mount Large/Huge Idaho Mountain Goat/Ram/Sheep that was hunted in the Idaho canyons (wild). I didn't know Idaho had canyons, but they are there - massive and...
Downsizing- need gone
1.5 years old
Billy goat 13hp leaf vac. Suction hose and handle. Was mounted to dump truck and could easily be remounted to hinge out of way for dumping. 4 years old and no longer need, barely used last couple of years.
Downsizing- need gone
1.5 years old
Being a farm owner, I know how hard it is to find someone reliable to care for animals in rural areas. I have owned, and have many years of experience with horses, dogs, cats, goats, poultry, exotics, etc., and would be happy to come to your home or farm and care for...