Medical: Lightweight Aluminum Push Button Adjust Crutches - (Hend.) Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 33 Times
Both adjusts from 5'2" to 5'10". Have under arm crutch pads, hand grips and rubber non-slip floor tips. These are heavy duty and very well made with a weight capacity of 300-pounds - (These are not the type Walmart carries for $19.00) Medical: lightweight aluminum push button adjust crutches. Height can be easily set by an adult or a child. Shape: Excellent - Like new - I only used for about one month last summer when I sprained my ankle -----------: I bought these crutches from St Rose Hospital Pharmacy for over $30. Sell: - $15 Phone: show contact info I live in Henderson by the Auto Mall on Gibson Road between American Pacific and Warm Springs
This classified ad about Medical: Lightweight Aluminum Push Button Adjust Crutches - (Hend.) related to medical was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 33 visitors.