Vaporizer Tubing Hose MEDICAL GRADE *NEW* vape tube whip safe Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 121 Times
-VaporBros brand 3 foot clear replacement hose for any whip style Vaporizer. -Slightly larger inside diameter increases airflow by at least 30%!! -Similar to 1/4" tubing, except formulated with vapor inhalation in mind. No industrial markings, not overly soft. 5/16 inner diameter, 7/16 out diameter. -Made from a Class IV medical grade, virgin compound of vinyl. This BPA free, DEHP free tube is designed especially for vaporizing. -You use an vaporizer for your health, don't take chances on low grade plastics or sub par vapor whips. Vaporbrothers whips and hoses use only medical grade materials.
This classified ad about Vaporizer Tubing Hose MEDICAL GRADE *NEW* vape tube whip safe related to medical was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 121 visitors.