Arizona Classifieds

Original F. R. Meisch Water Color Boats In Harbor. Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 47 Times


Was $1,650 · F. R. Meisch U. H. S . Water Color Boats In Harbor. Large Size: 29 1/2"inches Tall by 38" inches Wide. True Minnesota Treasure. Excellent Condition. Francis R. Meisch was born in 1915 in Saint Paul, where he later attended primary and secondary school. He earned his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Minnesota and his Master in Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On October 9, 1942 he married Elaine Agnes Meisch [nee Hanson], with whom he had four children, Richard, Robert, Lynn, and Lois. Meisch was employed as an architect by Northwest Airlines (NWA) (1942-1950), where he was responsible for designing hangars, shops, restaurants, offices, aircraft modification centers, passenger station facilities, and airports. In 1944 he was drafted by the U.S. Navy but NWA considered him too essential to let go; he declined the naval commission of ensign. Meisch also served on several technical committees responsible for airport design across the nation, which included input into the redesign of the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport (MSP). After leaving NWA, Meisch was employed at the Cerny Associates (1954-1964), Haarstick Lundgren and Associates, Incorporated (1964-1971), S.C. Smiley and Associates (Medical Facilities Associates) (1972-1974), and Peterson, Clark, and Associates, Incorporated (1974-1984). He also worked multiple freelance architect jobs throughout his career. In addition to his career in architecture, Meisch created and exhibited etchings, dry points, and watercolors for which he was best known. He served as president of the Minnesota Artists Association, and was a member of the Twin Cities Watercolor Society, as well as several other artists' groups. Meisch was also an active member of several philatelic societies. During his retirement he focused solely on his artwork. He died on January 16, 1998, in Edina, Minnesota. "Magic realism" is a term often applied to the watercolors of F.R. Meisch. This is because his paintings evoke a strong feeling of de ja vu - the illusion of having previously viewed a scene. This sense of identity with a place, a time, or a mood, created the magic. The realism is derived from his architectural education and teaching background, along with a superb technical control of the watercolor medium. Since that time his work has appeared in more than one hundred and seventy local, regional and national exhibitions and in sixteen one man shows. His work has received many awards and is represented in numerous public, private and commercial collections throughout the United States. His watercolors have appeared in the Ford Times, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company publications, and other publications. His strong, sure sense of color and value reveal the artist's love of nature and an ever-observing eye. Though his watercolors reflect his extensive world travels, the scenes water, nature and of Minnesota remain the most sought after paintings. He is a past president of the Minnesota Artists Association, a member of the Northstar Watercolor Society, and a member of the Old Watercolor Society's Club of London. He has made several trips to Europe to study watercolors in the museums and galleries and to gather material for art work. He has also traveled extensively in the United States, Canada, Alaska, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Guatemala in search of subject matter for his watercolors. In 1972 he was the invited artist at the Minnesota State Fair.

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