Male and female Doberman Pinscher puppies.They are potty trained,they are akc registered and active at home.Please do text us me via cell phone number,,216-370-3316
Male and female Pomeranian puppies for pet lovers. They are 12 weeks old, vet checked,
dewormed and have all vet records up to date. Our puppies are well trained and very socialized.
Puppies come with registration papers and a health guarantee.TEXT (201) 688-0570
We have an outstanding litter of Labrador puppies available. They are cream, black and fox-red in colour. Mother to the puppies is our beautiful girl Beatrice. She is AKC registered, cream and this is her first litter. She has been the most attentive mother to her...
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Airline Approved Pet Carrier - Rolling Portable Travel Carry Crate for Small Dog, Puppy or Cat - Soft Removable Wheeled Design with Mesh Window Sides - Airplane and TSA Compliant...
* Large front door features a heavier framework, plus 1 security lock to prevent your pup from getting out.
* Extra deep 1 1/2" plastic pan with rounded corners prevents leaks, contains mess, and can be removed
separately for convenient cleaning.
* It folds flat...
Two adorable and very well behaved terrier mix need new home asap relocating can't take both females utd shots spayed I have all paperwork for both get along great with kids and other dogs very loving and housebroken.take one or both.