Hello, I have 5 purebred yorkie pups born September 13th
Pups are ready for a new home!
Looking to find long loving forever homes for these adorable puppies!
Mother is 4 yrs old, father is 3yrs old. Mother weights around 10-12 lbs, and father weights 5-6 lbs...
These puppies are all up to date and they are all ready
to go and they will be coming along site with all the
papers that you need to know about them and some playing
toys.S for more details and pics of them,Do get in
contact with me via email (...
Beagle Puppies
Beagle Puppies available just in time for Christmas.
Beautiful AKC Registered Beagle Puppies. Tri-Colored Beagle Puppies from Champion Sire. There is also one rare Lemon and White colored male in the litter. Highly respected and sought after Branko...
Due to so much scam calls and emails recently asking for address, please do not call nor email, but only text me to show contact info
Material: Resin
Dimensions: 23" H x 17: W x 13"D
Pump is not included
Text (218) 380-6665 , Email @ (alainagomez02@gmail.com)
I have female and male purebred Yorkie teacup puppies for sale. They are Hypoallergenic dogs and are very friendly with children and other pets. They have microchipped, vaccinated for their age, dewormed, vet...
I have 2 absolutely beautiful puppy’s these are amazing examples of the Corji Puppies For Sale, they are full of life and will soon be ready to leave for their new homes. They have grown up in my home with all the love and care you would want from your new puppy....