Arizona Classifieds

Camel Cigarette Advertising Items Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 356 Times


This small lot consists of two ashtrays, a lighter, an advertising coaster and an empty package of Camels. The first is a Camel Light ashtray of resin with Joe Camel in the Pool Table Scene. It measures 7-1/2" x 4-1/2". Colors are excellent, there is one burn mark on the side and some light staining inside (which may come off, I haen't tried to remove it.) The second ashtray is the vintage-car shaped Joe Camel cobalt blue two sided Wide car. It is in excellent shape. Then we have a small Pack-Lite brand vintage Camel cigarette pack butane lighter. It is in excellent condition, but does not light. It measures 3" x 1-1/2" x 1/2" and you push down on the cigarette to get it to spark. There is one pin-up girl die cut beverage coaster advertising Camels, made by R.J. Reynolds. It measures about 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" and has excellent colors. Lastly, an empty Camels Lights cigarette box, complete with the 1 C-note. $12 for all. Please call show contact info

This classified ad about Camel Cigarette Advertising Items related to camels for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 356 visitors.

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