2 rabbits looking for a home for Christmas. Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 52 Times
They are both female and about 4 lb. They are both towel trained. The black lop was born on July 10th, she loves to run around and climb and sit on people. She does not like to be picked up and held but will sit on your shoulder. She's a climber The chestnut dawrf was born july 24th, she tolerates being held and is more well behaved her lop sister. Super sweet she holds still when being held and lets you pet her. Im asking $40 each or $75 for both. Pick-up only in East Burnsville. I will provide a small bag of food and hay so they will have an easier transition.
This classified ad about 2 rabbits looking for a home for Christmas. related to rabbits for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 52 visitors.