4x Health Club Fitness Steps & 10x Health Club Step Risers Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 130 Times
I am selling 4x Health Club Fitness Steps and 10x Health Club Step Risers. These name brand are about $230 new. Two of the risers have the tread starting to peal off; however, these can be reglued. One other riser has a corner pushed in a bit as shown in the photos. Here is a link to the actual item ($110 for 2x steps and 4x Risers) https://www.anthem-sports.com/catalog/product/view/id/2614/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwJrbBRAoEiwAGA1B_fA4WU2bIrUdbd8YGoiAjcDxvPzk4he-9chJy-zH_adBgI4Qj2UEbRoCHDUQAvD_BwE Here is a link to the actual item ($13.50 for 4x steps) https://www.fitness1st.com/the-original-health-club-step-risers.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwwJrbBRAoEiwAGA1B_WFz8aXrEPsNnXGH0_fxjjKYHo-Sz3pMk5PmSPisLYjLh_u0kwdtFhoChAgQAvD_BwE Please use the link below to see all items I am selling on craigslist: https://miami.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=112394dd7p23498gg23yy8hh 112394dd7p23498gg23yy8hh
This classified ad about 4x Health Club Fitness Steps & 10x Health Club Step Risers related to fitness health was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 130 visitors.