Nice shepherd and husky family dog puppy
4 males and 4 females yorkiepooh small breed text or call at 847 eight nine4 68 nine1
I have a female and male teacup pomeranian pups. they are 12 weeks old, currently on shots and dewormed. they are very sweet playful and smart. to make an appointment SMS (231) 480-1473
Please contact us directly by text or call the telephone number ( ( 4 1 0 7 3 4 5 7 0 1 ))...Nell our gorgeous healthy tcup Yorkie puppy. We have 5 cute adorable purebred Yorkie puppies for lovely homes. Three very handsome boys and 2 beautiful girls. They are all...
AKC Yorkie Puppies (1 male, 1 female) with traditional Black/Brown/Tan colors, 7 weeks old, should be 5-5.5lbs when fully grown up at 2 years old, with ducked tail and dewclaws, 1st vaccination & deworming along with medical records and pre-registered paperwork, dad...
Both parents coming from very famous Champions lines .We have currently 6 puppies -5 are available. They will be ready to go their new home.Please message Text (701) 645-1164 OR ( ) Only serious buyer no time waster pls