Protect your pets Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 92 Times
Predator Proof Pet Enclosures * With reports of Bobcats,Coyotes,and even Bear from time to time in yards of your local area remember that BTM IRONWERX LLC can keep your furbabies safe from wildlife predators. Our units are fully welded and built from square tubing and 1/4" thick mesh Our standard enclosures start at $800 with a standard height of 36" and includes an entry gate and hinged lockable tops! 4'x4'$800 4'x6'$1000 4'x8'$1200 4'x10'$1400 Any size and configuration possible. We accept all major credit cards and offer financing as well. Call or text today. show contact info
This classified ad about Protect your pets related to pets for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 92 visitors.