She is 3 months old , from Canada with excellent pedigree. nails clipped, ears cleaned,Vet checked, Shots, Litter trained and bathed regularly so she will be squeaky clean for you and your family to love. You will not regret having such a unique cat to call your own....
Thanks for viewing my advert. We have left 7 kittens for sale to a good home. They are very healthy with lots of energy kittens, love to play with people, kids and other pets.Beautiful Sphynx Kittens For Sale To Lovely Home.
They are very well trained and goes along very good with kids and other house hold pets , Also they will make very great companion to a pet loving family, You can feel free to contact us back for more details and pictures of our lovely kittens. Thanks
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I am a foster for Saving Shepherds of MN and we recently rescued a german shepherd from a home in which no one lived there and the pets went to the bathroom in the basement and were fed every few days. We rescued the dog but there were 2 cats there as well. They were...
I've posted individual listings for both of these cats but if you'd like they are available to adopt together.
They're very fond of one another and we'd hate to see them get separated.
Midna is a 3 year old Black medium hair cat with a curious personality. She...
Offering for sale Vintage Murano Italian Art Glass by Alfredo Barbini (1912 - 2007) - Sommerso Cats - Pair
The Right Headed Cat measures approximately 5.5 inches high, 5 inches width, 2.25 inches deep, and weighs 1 pounds and 2 ounces. The Left Headed Cat...