Arizona Classifieds

Buckle Belt Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 456 Times


Unique 4 piece hand made belt! With mastermanship, art, and passion in its craftsmanship that is going to take you to heaven every time you have it on! Stylish, comfortable, epic, long lasting belt. Adjustable at infinite measures....... An annual one time service is offered for the whole belt (buckle, belt, and its properties). *******ASEMANI SPIRITS******* 1. If you are married at the time of purchase of this belt from me and stay married for 30 years in respect and love to the same person, I honor you a reward service for the whole belt (buckle, belt, and its properties) again when 30 years is met so you can keep your belt as a born again treasure that can pass on to generations after you. -Must be a marriage of a gender to its complementary gender (complementary gender: a male is a complementary gender to a female gender and a female is a complementary gender to a male gender.). Same gender does not count not because i am not experienced but because i am experienced. -Several marriages equal to 30 years does not count valid. Must stay married to 1 alive person in respect and love for 30 years. -Staying married to a deceased or missing person does not count; It is your duty to alert your spouse if the danger is hidden because your spouse brain does not process a dimension that your brain processes so alert and guide your spouse if you feel your spouse is in danger as years goes by even if you have political differences and frictions between each other so you two as one perfect core together discover and pass different stages of life and perfection and reach a sentimental state that is unique to each perfect core. Order through email only Please. Made in the independent country of the United States of America. Asemani If in your heart you believe that you worth the same value as a human from any origin and skin color, and that male and female worth equal, and you understand that the recent 100 years wars involving the independent country of the United States of America was a loss to the independent country and nation of the United States of America, and you recognize Earth civilizations of Egypt, Spain, France, Germany, Syria, Iran, India, China, Japan, Mexico, and civilizations within the Independent country of the United States of America as moral civilizations and holy nations, and that the interests of the independent country of the United States of America nation comes first, and that you won't have any association or affiliation with criminals and organizations involve in immoral acts, and that you are moral and loyal, write exactly that in your first contact with me, otherwise don't contact me at all. If you are one of genuine hardworking government employees whom are not getting paid right now, please know that you are a hero that you are still providing service to public without getting paid. Thank you for your devoted and genuine service. Please consider the followings: Since there is a partial government shut down only for the most genuine government entities and it might continue for couple months or longer, if you are one of those government employees whom are not getting paid, cut spendings at much as possible and focus your budget on your food, security, housing, and economy. For example, If some long distance project is not necessary, avoid and do not drive long distance to save gas money and use the money for necessities. Even if you use electric cars, you save brake pads, tires, and vehicle maintenance costs. If your phone charges "roaming" or specific services fees such as high speed internet or advanced phone services, change that to a regular service if it does not affect you. If you are paying for cable or advanced internet, call the provider company and perhaps cancel their service to eliminate monthly bills. If there is cancelation or other fees, see how you can get a fee waver for cancelation fee. The fact that you are a government employee might help you. If you have a gym membership, cancel that membership and either get refund if you have prepaid or just cancel so you would not have to pay for future months. You can go jogging around the block or do some pull ups, sit ups, and push ups in the house. If you are enrolled on an automatic monthly or weekly or similar withdraw from your bank account to a religion, humanitarian group, church account for charity, or an organization, call and cancel that withdraw. If you buy lunch outside while you can make food at home, you are wasting money because you can make more amount and more productive food for yourself for lower price. From now on, make your lunch food at home, wrap it as a sandwich and place them in a clean plastic inside a clean small container with a cap that you can purchase from 99 cents store and take it to work for lunch and you will save great amount money just by eliminating buying lunch outside. If you reserve a trip such as a family vacation trip and partially paid for it, cancel that and get refund right away. Do your hair cut and nails yourself instead of going to a salon and paying for it. Clean your car windshield and lights with a clean rag yourself instead of going to a carwash. Talk to your children that you are on budget and try to come up with new ways for fun that do not cost money. For example instead of going for a lunch or dinner to a fancy restaurant, going to a park while taking food from home and playing game at park together is a great fun idea; instead of using internet at home at all time especially watching movies or videos and playing internet videogames, ask your children to perhaps use libraries, school, park, or other public places that provide free internet. If you, your spouse, or your children are subscribed to a magazine that get mailed to your home monthly or digitally, call and get refund for future issues if you prepaid them and cancel your plan. Buying coffee on the go, or during breaks should stop since your income has been stopped, instead make coffee at home and take it with you. Make 2 coffee mugs so you would have enough coffee to drink. Buying smokes should be stopped if possible, otherwise it should significantly be reduced during this time that you are not getting paid. Call your credit card(s) and your bank and advise them you are on a financial crises and ask them to stop any unauthorized withdraws from your account without double checking with you. Buying extra clothes or that fancy dress or shoe or bag or whatever, stops from now on until you get paid. If you are going for distances less than a mile from your home, consider using bicycle or walking instead. Make coffee and pour it in a mug for your walk and listen to music with your phone or a small carriable radio so you get some pleasure walking to nearby distances. Contact your mortgage lender or your land lord and then search for the country laws and conditions and find out if there is any condition in favor of government employees housing costs whom are not getting paid for a case when government goes through hard time like right now. Write a letter to headquarter of your employer and inform them about your financial crises and ask them to stop the government shut down and start paying you. Ask and follow with your boss on every week basis if the government shut down was ended or if you get paid. If any other government agency employees are getting paid, write a letter to your employer headquarter and the government officials in your field and ask them to ask the independent country of the United States of America President to order an executive order that those government agencies whom are exempt from government shut down such as congress, share their pay check with government agency employees whom are working right now and not getting paid right now. If you are a member of the congress and are getting paid or salary right now, in my opinion as a human being, as a member of society, as a citizen, you owe to this country and nation to share your income salary with government employees whom are not getting paid and come up with a moral peaceful legal environment friendly idea to end the government shut down. God bless the day that a murderer or any type of killer from deceptive and murdering island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use (island: a region that is surrounded all around by water and has no civilization or country on land to connect with), island of Australia, joint peninsulas of Netherland/Netherlands/Holland/other names they may use (peninsula: a region that 3/4 of its entire perimeter is surrounded by water), Canada, island of Ireland, island of New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, murdering and traitor to the independent country and nation of the United States of America agency of Central Intelligence Agency known as CIA that they have been mainly supporting interests of Island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use over the independent country and nation of the United States of America interests even though out the years and on every day basis unloyal murdering deceptive and dishonest owners partners and employees of Central Intelligence Agency are going to extreme measures in attempt to show an image that they are working mostly in the benefit of peninsula of Italy/Italia/Roome/other names they may use and various other countries - for example Central Intelligence Agency provides an environment that some of the Americans with Italian roots whom are spiritually weak due to ownselves lack of self leadership talk in rude uncivilized tones to the independent country of the United States of America leaders or another example when two words of "Nation Flag" inside the 2 " is being searched on a public search engine website as google inside the independent country of the United States of America, the Italy flag loads up on the internet search engine display on the only image on the "web" windows of the search engine while it is not even displaying the "image" page of the search engine website but in reality and actuality catastrophic amount of exported/stolen money from the independent country of the United States of America -in forms of weed relaxing treatments stores and patented owners revenue, narcotics medicine money companies revenue, humanitarian aid money donations for a religion or humanitarian act, unreal food revenue, revenue from advertisements and other displayed on pornographic websites that generate and publish child pornography and rape images, and much more areas - majorly goes out on every day and every second basis to sources connected to the deceptive pirate Island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use after paying small portions to some weak countries and immoral banks entities for transferring those immoral revenues, traitor to the independent nation of the United States of America corrupt agency of National Security Agency known as NSA which their job is only to cover up for murders and criminal transaction activities of Central Intelligence Agency against holy federal and state and local agencies and entities investigations such as long live genuine hardworking men and women in Federal Bureau of Investigation long live hard working genuine men and women in Homeland Security and long live genuine men and women in police departments by fabricating corrupt reasons and documents and proofs, any one in States of Louisiana or Texas with Italian roots or not in the independent country of the United States of America that does or has done murders against civilians and people of the independent country of the United States of America due to envy or discrimination that these states are famous for and have done throughout the years due to lack of values such as integrity and self leadership, or any person/entity/other who is affiliated such as being stepchild of father/mother/son/daughter or in laws involved in any act that causes loss of life to people of the independent country of the United States of America in any way such as creating a digital virus and injecting that to someone's phone. The day that a murderer or any type of killer from island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use, island of Australia, joint peninsulas of Netherland/Netherlands/Holland/other names they may use, island of Ireland, island of New Zealand, Israel, Canada, South Africa, murdering and traitor to the independent country and nation of the United States of America agency of Central Intelligence Agency owners partners and employees known as CIA, traitor to the independent nation of the United States of America corrupt agency of National Security Agency known as NSA whom do not respect rights and invade citizens, residents, tourists, women, and children privacy and morality rights and able foreigner deceptive agendas such as murdering and deceptive island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use to gain access to those citizens, tourists, women, children, and other information and data that causes abduction of a teenage girl/boy or adult inventor or producer or other loss of life only to get paid for a picture or revealing a citizen inventive idea or similar low attempt, get executed and headed by the independent country of the United States of America justice system and not get exempted, life and living in the independent country of the United States of America turns back to normal and the independent country of the United States of America become a secure peaceful civilized place again. God bless the day that a murder or any type of killer from island of England/United Kingdom/Britannia/other names they may use, Central Intelligence Agency known as CIA, a Texas -or any state- business man/woman whom orders killings only to have his/her corrupt business going, and other killers including teenagers or elderlies who kill get executed and headed by the independent country of the United States of America and not get exempted. If you are financially a low income person (low income person: someone who financially can not afford to buy a reasonable house to live), i like to remind you that there are variety of moral and peaceful attempts you can do to make money right now. Go to job club or unemployment office where there is computer and printer and professional officials to help with your resume, finding an employer, and much more which you can get their information from "Public Social Services" and you can find their address or phone number online if you just take a step and search for them. Meanwhile, you can make a product or offer a service. An unwanted broken pallet, can become a handmade picture frame by you if you decide to or just buy a new frame for a dollar, do some art on it and sell it for 5 dollars. Please know that God wants you to make money from moral peaceful legal ways and be happy. Comb your hair, keep yourself clean, put a smile on your face, and the rest is about trying. Wash your shirt at least once a week (you can buy a hand washing clothes powder pack for a dollar), stay groomed, have faith, and try to be productive. Practice manicure on your own nails first or haircut and after learning, offer that as a service to others. Practice auto interior details and offer it to others. If you put your heart in it, you can make a living income. You can buy a nail file or an auto detail spray for a dollar and start practicing. Consider agriculture, beauty, food, construction, carpentry, fabrics, and industrial in your mind and try to practice a field because you have access to them and you can make money out of it. If you are financially making low income and can not come up with any moral peaceful legal thought or idea on your own and you are a government employee without pay and you have seen my products and you would have like to produce them but did not have my blessing permission, I allow you to produce my product without expecting you profit for myself until you become financially a middle class person (middle class person: someone who financially can afford to buy a reasonable house to live) and after that i want half of what you make based on my product and this text is your contract with me and i do not come after you. Instead you have to reach out and find me by yourself and give me my half if you become wealthy based on my product. If you remain low income forever, i do not expect any money from you forever. Anyone from United Kingdom, CIA, murdering business men/women in Texas or other states, Netherlands, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, Ireland, NSA, Israel, South Africa, or any other phenomenon involve in organize crimes that during last 100 years shattered so many precious lives and families of people of the independent country of the United States of America whom will become wealthy based on my product is rejected by me to pay me my partial money due to lack of worthiness of their government directly involving with corrupt business involving murders and in domestic cases due to their worthiness of their criminal existence until there is a justice system in the independent country of the United States of America that make sure pirates or any type of killer in any category such as a man, a teenager, an elderly person, a woman, a disable person, a challenged in some way person, and other cases person get executed and headed. Identifying an innocent phenomenon whom cooperates with pirates or invaders for intelligent entities is absolute pain and a huge undertake and for individuals is impossible or at least almost impossible .. 10% discount to seniors, humanitarian activists, neighbors (within 1 mile from my zip code), moral doctors, social workers, waste disposal and recycle center workers and transporters, peace officers, homeless shelter personnel, postpersons, non digital taxi company drivers and staff, public school teachers with 10 years or more of teaching, nurses, immigrant attorneys, September 11 2001 perished martyrs remaining biological father/mother/son/daughter, biological father/mother/son/daughter of a fallen fire fighter/life guard/Ranger/LADWP/Phone communication/National Guard/Detective/Peace officer/domestic federal agent/judge/politician/journalist/environment engineers/State highway patrol/forest engineer/marine engineer/ and other public server staff and independent contractor who lost their life during service duty/went missing/got shot/have mysterious dead circumstances such as accident or suicide, 911 operators, LADWP independent contractors, US Marshals/ranger/fire fighter/life guard companies personnel and their independent contractors and their American vendor supporters, communication mathematics and computer engineers whom test and make sure daily that our independent nation and country of the United States of America communication data stays secure and could not get intercepted by any phenomenon from outside of the independent country of the United States of America, State Highway Patrol with 15 years of experience or more in which never shot to death any human in their service life, street and other city properties cleaners, beach and marine cleaners, bus and metro drivers, environment attorneys, public libraries/hospitals/schools personnel, any one who has been out of prison and not committed any violation 15 years since his/her release, those whom make sure innocents are free while they don't forget/underestimate or get emotional to protect themselves as well because innocents rely on them, and prior customers. If there is any platform/phenomenon asking for donation for me or in my name and you can not physically meet me in that regard, that platform/phenomenon is fake. If there is a quality mark or a product in my name and you can not access me directly in that regard that quality mark or product is fake. God bless the day that all murderers and killers in the independent country of the United States of America get executed and headed by the independent country of the United States of America justice system. God bless the Independent nation and country of the United States of America. Respects to genuine souls ASEMANI ******************************

This classified ad about Buckle Belt related to groups associations was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 456 visitors.

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