eclectus parrot Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 377 Times
young only a year old very friendly and fun. She loves to be around people and she watches over the kids. She is just starting to talk and has been hand fed. She loves to eat banana and eggs. She does enjoy being in the shower to take a bath. She isn't very friendly around other birds at this time but she is ok around dogs and cats.. as long as they are ok with her : ) Her name is jasmine and shes one of the best birds I have ever delt with. She loves hugs and cuddles and is going to make a really amazing life long companion. she likes both male and females We do have a few different cage options to choose from to go with her. Jasmine alone is $700 With small cage $750 With large cage $850 Also have a tree if you wanted to get that its $150 extra We would love to keep her but are moving and with the new job I'm just going to have enough time for her : ( She will come with what toys and food she has left as well. This is an amazing deal the cages alone were $200 and she was $1500 so please someone with a good home let her be a part of your family
This classified ad about eclectus parrot related to birds for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 377 visitors.