Arizona Classifieds


  • Price : $350,000.00
  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 32 Times


Your piece of Paradise in San Carlos,Panama.This beautifully updated home, one house off the beach has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms along with a Teak kitchen [w] Granite counters. There is a rap-around terrace that is barred and alarmed where you can BBQ and entertain. The property is approx. 1000 meters [w] the most attractive gardens in town. There are Mango, Papaya, Avocado & Banana trees along with shrubs and plants. The house is approx. 3500 sq.ft. [w] 5 a/cs and 15 ceiling fans to keep you comfortable. The tinted windows help as well.This home comes completely furnished [w] Living room, Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining room, & Terrace furniture. Along with Hammocks & TV'S etc. This area is safe and has long standing families and a rare find. What more could you wish for? Email us for more information and Pictures

This classified ad about TROPICAL PARADISE/VILLA/ $350,000.00/ ALL REASONABLE OFFERS CONSIDERED related to vacation rentals was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 32 visitors.

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