Pure Fix Single Speed Fixie Track Bike 700 Wheels 20" 50cm Bike Frame
The ReCyclist BikeShop Located At - 12446 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066
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Excellent condition no rust
2 locks, 2 keys
Will fit any types of bars, round, square, factory and universal
Cash and carry, no paypal or shipping
I can help install it for you for free
This is a very old mountain bike that I bought and restored completely. Many of the components on it were unusable so I used a mixture of other components from others. This bike is very similar to those one of the early production mountain bikes.
Masi single speed, like new, 56cm size. Great deal!
*Three wheeled bike *
*Great for training young children to ride a bike
(Measurements MAY not be fully accurate)