Arizona Classifieds


  • Price : $300
  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 20 Times


EMOTION SPITFIRE 12T TANDEM KAYAK - $300 Condition: (Used) Color: (Blue) The 12 ft. tandem kayak has a 500 lb weight and seats for 2 people. This model has a sit-on-top tandem kayak. It comes with self-bailing scupper holes, 2 Quick-Release seat backs, 4 carry handles FEATURES Storage Hatch for Added Storage Beneath the Deck Four Carry Handles. Two Quick Release Seat Backs .

This classified ad about EMOTION SPITFIRE 12T TANDEM KAYAK - $300 related to boats for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 20 visitors.

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