- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 27 Times
POULTRY LIST IS CURRENT updated 1/28/2019 * Day Old Chicks * Hens * Future Chicks** POULTRY AND TOURS (By Appointment Only) 10AM-4PM, Tuesday-Saturday (By Appointment Only) (Over 70 degrees and 10 days or older 9:30AM-12PM, By Appointment Only) BAXTER BARN - WE CARRY ALL THE SUPPLIES AND FEED YOU NEED We are a small, family owned farm in Fall City. We lovingly raise a variety of animals including chickens, horses, rabbits, pheasants, quail and mini-donkeys. We also produce a line of chicken feed, chicken supplements, and horse feed. We are dedicated to raising happy and healthy animals, producing the highest quality product, and demonstrating sustainable farming practices. Visit our website at www.baxterbarn.org for more information. To reduce stress/illness we suggest having the birds off of dirt and separated in the coop for 4-6 weeks, keep them on the same feed (prices are w/ feed purchase), give them Immune Boost in the water and if they show stress, treat with Amprolium (which we carry.) POULTRY LIST FOLLOWS: M/D/Y= Hatch Date $$$= Price Breed="Standard / Rare / Very Rare / Extremely Rare" DAY/WEEK OLD BIRDS (all Female) (3 MINIMUM Suggested 4, +$5 under min +$2 per bird without feed purchase) "$15 25lb starter, $22 50 lb and $21 50lb Grower" (Chick House) POULTRY 2/1/19: $6 Olive Egger; $7 Chocolate Sexlinks; $9 Crested Cream Legbars 1/25/19: $2 Coturnix (StRun) $4 White Rock, Black Australorp; $5 Buff Orpington; $6 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana) $7 Olive Egger; $8 Chocolate Sexlinks; $9 Crested Cream Legbars *** Upcoming chicks listed on the bottom *** READY FOR THE COOP (all Female) 10AM-4PM, Tuesday-Saturday (By Appointment Only) *If over 70 degrees and 10 days or older 9:30AM-12PM (By Appointment Only) *Max people 3 in back, up to 4 *3 min. under light or 2 Off Light same species and age group *+$5 under 2 min. +$2 without feed purchase *Tubs are not for sale since we just moved them ***Tubs and Runs 1&2 are still under heat, and are more sensitive to temperature and moisture change, chicks 10 Days old to 10 weeks old can have an increase the chance of coccidiosis with stress and change of temperature and moisture*** (Tub3) 1/11/19: $9 Buff Orpington; $10 Partridge Rock; $11 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Olive Egger; $14 Black Copper Marans (Pen1)12/7/18: $12 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Black Sexlink; $35 Araucana (Pen2) 11/2/18: $21 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Buff Orpington, Silver Laced Wyandotte;$40 D'Uccle Bantam (Pen3) 10/19/18: $22 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Black Sexlink, Australorp, White Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orpington; $25 Olive Eggers (Pen4) 9/28/18: $23 Speckled Sussex, Light Brahma, Buff Orpington, Blue Langshan; $38 Crested Cream Legbar, Blue Red Wyandotte; $40 Frizzle Bantam *ALMOST LAYING* (Pen5) 9/7/18+: $25 BB Leghorn, Black Sexlink, Golden Sexlink, Buff Orpington; $26 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Speckled Sussex, Blue Cochin, Blue Langshan; $40 Bantam / Fancy Breeds -$5 for Cockerels(Males) (Pen6) 8/3/18+: $26 Black Sexlink, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Orpington, Golden Sexlink, Baxter Barn Leghorn, Black Australorp $27 Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana); $29 Russian Orloff, Blue Langshan; $40 Bantam / Fancy Breeds -$5 for Cockerels(Males) (Up front) $35 Ast breeds *LAYING 6+ Months:* [LIMITED STOCK] (7) $45 Rhode Island White, Wellsummer Rooster (8) $55 Mixed Breeds; Olive /Blue/ Green / Chocolate: French Black Copper Marans (Feathered Legged), French Wheaten Marans (Feathered Legged), French Golden Cuckoo Marans (Feathered Legged), Olive Eggers, $65 Black/Blue Americauna (Roosters only) $99 Araucana Lavender Americana (9) $65 Crested Cream Legbars ROOSTERS (Barn Tub) 2-3 week old $3 Cockerels; Chocolate Sexlink, Crested Cream Legbar, Olive Eggers (Chicken Coop) 3+ week old $4 Cockerels; Chocolate Sexlink, Crested Cream Legbar, Olive Eggers (pen3-5) $15 Std Breeds $18 Easter Egger $20 Olive Eggers $25 French Black Copper Marans (Feathered Legged), Crested Cream Legbars (Garden) $15 Std Breeds, Silkies: Black, Blue, Partridge Frizzles: White, Std Breeds, Show Girl Turken, Easter Egger (Front, Loose, Pens 6-9) $45 Barnavelders, French Wheaten Marans (Feathered Legged), French Black Copper Marans (Feathered Legged), French Cuckoo Marans (Feathered Legged, Crested Cream Legbars $65 Blue Americana, French Blue Copper Marans (Feathered Legged)... DUCKS/DUCKLINGS/GEESE (all Female) (Lower/Mid Run) 9/14/18: $29 Blue Swedish, Ast Runner, Cayuga, Pekin, Mallard; Crested $35 6+ Months Drakes: Pair Geese $80; Toulouse, African GAMEBIRDS/TURKEYS/GUINEA FOWL ***Check Availability *** *Button Quail (Miniature Pharaoh Coturnix) (Assorted Colors)(StRun) (Aquarium) Day Old $5 (Down Stairs) Mature: $20 Laying Females $9 Males *Pharaoh Coturnix Quail Standard Size (Down Stairs) Mature $15 Laying Females $7 Males (Up Front and in Barn) Mature Asstorted Colors $25 Females $15 Males *Bob White Quail (Fish Tank) Almost fully feathered: $19 Females $9 Male (Up Front) Mature $25 Laying Females $10 Males *Tennessee Reds Quail: Mature $29 *Chukar (StRun) (Cage) Mature $35 (+$5 for Laying Females) *Homing Pigeons/RingNeck Doves (Nest) Babies $25 (Cage) Mature: $35 *Golden Pheasants (StRun)(Extremely Rare) Mature $39 Rooster only, Hen $99 *Red Golden Pheasants (StRun)(Extremely Rare) Mature $59 Rooster only, Hen $99 *(Cage) RingNeck Pheasants Mature $25 (+$15 Laying Females) 6/8/18 $59 Melanistic Mutant Pheasant (+$15 Laying Females) Breeds we carry under the Heritage Poultry Conservancy: Ameraucana, Andalusian, Appenzeller Spitzauben, Brahma, Cochin, Delaware, Dominique, Dorking, Hamberg, Jersey Giant, Orpington, Jersey Giant and Spanish We recommend a younger bird, which will adjust to a new environment quicker and become a better pet, we suggest Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens/Ducks/Turkeys ***UPCOMING CHICKS (Breeds and dates may change due to hatch) 4-6 breeds every week all year round***(may not hatch/cancel due to the weather:)***(Day olds Every week all year round...) 2/8/19: $4 Buff Orpington; $6 Olive Eggers, Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana); $7 Chocolate Sexlinks; $8 Blue Red Laced Wyandotte; $9 Crested Cream Legbars, Black Copper Maran ??? 2/15/19: $4 Black Australorp; $6 Olive Eggers, Black Maran Sexlink; $7 Chocolate Sexlinks, Colombian Wyandotte, Salmon Faverolle; $9 Crested Cream Legbars 2/22/19: $4 Buff Orpington; $6 Olive Eggers, Easter Egger (Ameraucana/Araucana), Blue Leghorn; $7 Salmon Faverolle, Chocolate Sexlinks; $8 Blue Red Laced Wyandotte; $9 Crested Cream Legbars, Black Copper Maran ??? 2/29/19: $4 Buff Orpington, Amber Link; $6 Olive Eggers, Production Blue; $7 Chocolate Sexlinks; $8 Blue Red Laced Wyandotte, $9 Crested Cream Legbars WEEKLY YEAR ROUND: $3 Coturnix (StRun) $4 Olive Eggers (StRun), Ring Neck Pheasants (StRun) $5 Button Quail (StRun) $6 Ast. Guinea (StRun), Chukar (StRun) $7 Olive Eggers $8 Chocolate Sexlink $9 Crested Cream Legbar, Golden Pheasants (StRun), Red Golden Pheasants (StRun), Ast Heritage Breed Turkeys (StRun) $2 Males; Chocolate Sexlink, Crested Cream Legbar ($2 extra per bird without feed) It's not healthy to move and stress an animal and change their feed at the same time. It's suggested to buy at least a minimum of 3 chicks or 2 ready for outside (2 months old). Dates above are when the bird is day old and are available for purchase. There is no holding or reserving, it's a first come, first served basis. Hatching Eggs (Extremely Rare/Seasonal Spring/Summer) +$5 minimum if under 6 $12.00 dozen or $1.99 each Mixed Poultry Breeds $24.00 dozen or $3.99 each: Crested Cream Legbar, Olive Egger/Chocolate Easter Eggers, Chocolate Sexlink $3.99 each Red Golden Pheasants or Yellow Golden Pheasants, Turkey, Goose $12.00 18-pack or 1.99 each: Coturnix Quail, Tennessee Red Quail, Bob White Quail, Ring Neck Pheasant Show Girl (Naked Neck/Turken mix w/Silkie/Frizzle/Polish(StRun) Golden (Gold) Sex Links also: (Golden Buff, Golden Comet, Cinnamon Queen, Red Star) our personal favorite! A Rhode Island Red male bred with a Rhode Island White female. They are an efficient producer of large brown eggs. Amber Link is the reverse of Golden. Baxter Barn Leghorns: A mix of white and barred leghorns. They are also an efficient producer of large white eggs. They are Marek's resistant and have one of the shortest molts WARNING: Check with breeders before buying Most breeders sell straight run, which are 50/50 (unless indicated-mostly Bantams) WE SELL SEXED BIRDS its 95%-99.9% female (Unless indicated ST RUN, which means 50/50 chance of male or female) Our birds are not guaranteed on show quality or egg color Sorry NO Shipping For any new chick/hen, separate from other birds at least a minimum of 4 weeks, 6 weeks is ideal. This reduces stress and spread of bacteria. Within that time it is important to keep them on the same feed to reduce stress. OUR CHICKS are vaccinated for Mareks. This is a safe way of raising chicks. To raise chicks organic it still is important to vaccinate. All chicks are U.S. APPROVED PULLORUM-TYPHOID & H5/H7 AVIAN FLU CLEAN FLOCKS We start our chicks on Baxter Barn Quality Feed Natural Chick Starter, which has a pro-biotic and pre-biotic with a complete nutritional diet of organic vitamins and organic/inorganic trace minerals. We add a little grit and chick mash into the chick starter daily for digestion when they are under light. After that, we have grit next to the feed and mash, mealworms or scratch (after 5 months old) as a treat. Water Treatment: For the first three days of the chick's life we add Chick Boost, 1 tsp per gallon of water (or Immune Boost 1/4 tsp per gallon with pinch of sugar). Then, Immune Boost once a week, two days before and three days after stressful times in their life: change in temp (bulb burns out), moisture, run out of water, moving, feed... To prevent coccidiosis we suggest adding half does of amprolium once a week for the first 5 weeks (up to 12 weeks if needed) and full dose if they get sick. Baxter Barn Immune Boost a water-soluble powder containing organic acidifiers, vitamins, electrolytes, enzymes, and a supplemental source of live, naturally occurring micro-organisms. We use an all Vegetable Diet, No Hormones, No Antibiotics, No Stimulants, No Animal Fat, No Animal by-products. WE CARRY ALL THE SUPPLIES AND FEED YOU NEED: Come visit our store (see hours below), Baxter Barn Natural Quality Feed, Custom Scratch, Mealworms, Coops, Watering containers, Feeders, Heat Lamps, Bulbs, Brooders, Shavings and other farm supplies. We have been extremely busy already this year. We appreciate your patience and understanding and we encourage you to contact us again, especially if for some reason you did not get an initial response within 24 hours. Baxter Barn is a working farm, and we're always working hard to attend to everyone, human or animal, as quickly as possible. PLEASE leave animals at home! PLEASE leave your farm shoes at home! PLEASE leave cages in the car! Thanks for your support! Cory, Owner www.baxterbarn.org www.facebook.com/baxterbarn By Appointment 10AM-4PM, Tue-Sat Please text, call (during business hours) or email, for an appointment Prices for birds increase on Mondays! FEED AND SUPPLIES 10AM-5PM, Tuesday-Saturday
This classified ad about * CHICKS * HENS * DUCKS * GAMEBIRD * TURKEYS * FEED * START @ related to donkeys for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 27 visitors.